Monday, October 6, 2008

Reaction to When the Levees Broke

I was a junior in high school when Katrina hit the New Orleans area. At the time I was sad but had no connection to the state of Louisiana or knew anyone from there. However, since coming to the College of Charleston and joining the Chi Omega Fraternity which is primarily made up of girls from the gulf coast and particularly New Orleans I have grown a greater knowledge of the culture there and the effect of Katrina. I have also visited the city and now feel a connection there as well because of the time that I spent there. So, seeing When the Levees Broke and knowing so much more about it I felt such a more severe reaction than I ever expected.
Sitting in class yesterday I was really emotional and kind of angry. I just never thought about some of the things that they were pointing out and I got pretty shaken up. I live with two girls from Baton Rouge and we sat down and discussed the documentary after class yesterday because they, being from that area, had also seen it.
When I visited New Orleans my roommates mother drove us in to the city and as we went under an overpass, she pointed out that that was the overpass that people were standing on and helicopters were lifting them of off because the water got so high. So remembering this, I asked the girls if there was any animosity towards the people that stayed, since in the video there is the clip of the girl saying, "they told me if I don't listen and get out of there, they won't help me." They said that of course there were people who said its their own fault they should have left but most people felt such connection to the city that they just wanted to help and rebuild it to what it once was. They also pointed out that no one could have predicted it to be this bad and that once again the city was not underwater because the hurricane was so strong, the hurricane was under water because the levees could not hold- this they said, is the most common misconception about the situation.
We haven't gotten to the other acts in the documentary but I am very curious to see the governments reaction and people's perspective to FEMA. Because I was in New Orleans with all Louisiana locals and we saw the mayor eating breakfast at our hotel. Every single one of those girls wanted to run over and scream at him. He was so hated I literally had to hold him back. I vaguely remember the press from my local area not giving him criticism, however I didn't realize how much they didn't like him.
In conclusion, I am so excited to see the rest of this because I really feel like I have a closer interest and connection than I would have years before.

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