Wednesday, October 22, 2008


It is really interesting that we chose to discuss crime this week because as of Saturday night I am a victim of street crime. I had my house broken into and my roommates and my own money stolen while we were in the house. This has all been really tough for me since I live on campus and was just downstairs. It has all been really tough for me as well to see first hand how the criminal justice system works. We didn't figure out that we had been robbed until about 8:00 the next morning but figured out that it happened around 1:00 am. When we called Public Safety hysterically crying they were very textbook not comforting at all. Shortly afterwards they came over and basically told me that a) it was my own fault for having that much money undeposited in the house and b) that they would do their best but they were all ready telling me that it was a lost cause and all of our stuff was basically gone. They weren't very sympathetic to the fact that I had just worked a 14 hour shift in which I made 300 dollars and it in one hour had just all gotten stolen.
All of this kept making me think about crime. It has all made me so angry that there is nothing they can do and really no evidence that they would be able to come up with to prove that if they were to catch him that it was him. So, why wouldn't they steal. They probably had a heyday with the money and they know they can't get caught.
I also found myself coming up with an image for my criminal and even caught myself in this blog referring to it as a he. In my head I have a picture of "him" when in reality I live with 11 people it could more likely be one of them or their friends, but of course none of them even close to fit the picture in my head. It's really awful how subconsciously prejudice we all turn out to be even when we don't admit it to ourselves.

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