Monday, December 8, 2008


Coming from a Coastal city in South Carolina I have many conflicting views about this particular issue. My hometown, Hilton Head Island, has a HUGE population of Latin American's in its residence. And although I know a lot of them personally and see their stories and see them in the workforce and I know that deep down they are good people I still feel like there needs to be better regulation and stricter rules about illegal immigrants in the US. Not only do the adults cause problems in the workforce, but they cause problems in places that one wouldn't think that they would. As a teen I experienced many problems that the younger generation of immigrants have caused. My brother for example was on a club soccer team and he, being very exceptional in soccer, was one of 4 American's who made the team of 18. However, because it was a club team it cost money to join, and if they wanted the team to happen my parents and the 3 other American families were forced to pay the dues for the other 14 team members because none of them had the means to. One might say, then why pay, well- my family attended a very small school which meant virtually no competitive experience in a soccer program and soccer is probably one of the only ways my brother can go to a good college. Those weren't the only problems with the team, any time we had to travel which was 3 times a month the American's were forced to pay for all accommodations and were expected to drive. On top of it the Latino skill level in soccer is so extraordinary that the American's had to play twice as hard to get any play time. This is just a silly example of how it has effected my generation and my high school experience, however many similar and more extreme things occur in the workforce on a daily basis which really effect the American's daily life.